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Bad Faith

Our Property Damage Attorneys Can Help You Deal With Your Bad Faith Property Insurance Claim

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Bad Faith: Holding Insurance Companies Accountable For Fairness

When an insurance company goes against its good faith obligations, it can result in immense financial damage to the affected policyholders. Therefore, insurance companies should be held accountable for any instances of bad faith. 


The damage claim for your property should only receive fait treatment from your insurance company. If you find that this has not been the case, whether it be an improper claim investigation or any sort of mistreatment, our firm at Florida Property damage Attorneys can assist. 


Contact one of our Florida Property Damage Attorneys for more information bad faith with your insurance company today.  

Determining If You Have A Claim Against Your Insurance Company for Bad Faith

You're likely to have a bad faith case on your hands if: ​

  • You hear nothing back once you report your claim to your insurance company. 

  • No instruction is provided to you on how to move forward with your claim. 

  • When contacting your insurance representative, your calls go unanswered or you receive unhelpful support.

  • You have no indication on whether your claim is under investigation or not.

  • You receive excessive or unreasonable requests for documentation.

  • Your insurance claim is not investigated in a timely manner.

  • Your insurer offers a settlement that you deem unreasonably low.

  • Your insurer insurance denies your claim without a reason you deem justifiable. 


If you believe your insurer is acting in bad faith in regards to your insurance claim, contact one of our Florida Property Damage Attorneys for assistance.

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Signs That Your Insurance Company Acted in Bad Faith

If you pay a scheduled premium for your insurance policy, yet your insurer refuses to pay once a claim is filed, or refuses/delays to pay without legitimate reason, your insurer is likely acting out of bad faith. 

Once an insurance claim is filed, your insurance company owes you the following: 

  • An investigated claim. 

  • An action on your claim without delay for an unreasonable stretch of time.

  • A legitimate reason for denying your claim. 

  • Your insurer must defend you if someone files a claim against you.


If you believe your insurer is acting in bad faith in regards to your insurance claim, contact one of our Florida Property Damage Attorneys for assistance.

Process for Filing a Bad Faith Claim Against Your Insurance Company

The first step in filing a bad faith claim against your insurance company, is allowing our firm to review the letter denying your claim and determine if the denial holds a legitimate reason. We will read your policy to see if the insurance company’s interpretation of the policy is reasonable. If you are missing your denial letter, you may request one.


If an appeal of the denial is permitted by your policy, procedure will be followed. If it is unsuccessful and proven that your insurer acted in bad faith, we can file a legal claim against the company.


The two types of bad faith insurance claims in Florida are: 

  • A first-party insurance bad faith claim when an insurance company denies your claim without legitimate reason or acts in bad faith in investigating your claim. 

  • A second-party insurance bad faith claim when someone files a claim against your policy and your insurer fails to defend you or settle the claim within policy limits.


If you believe your insurer is acting in bad faith in regards to your insurance claim, contact one of our Florida Property Damage Attorneys for assistance.

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What Compensation Can I Get Back From A Bad Faith Insurance Lawsuit?

A knowledgeable Florida Property Damage Or Insurance claim attorney understands the insurance industry's jargon, and their bottom line. Hiring an insurance claim attorney to file your homeowner insurance claim ensures your claim is submitted with your best interest and outcome in mind.


If we prove your claim of bad faith, you can recover the following in addition to the amount of loss: 

  • Financial loss, including the court costs and attorney fees, you had to cover due to a denied claim, or a delayed claim payment. 

  • Punitive damages, damages intended to punish the wrongdoer, if the insurance company’s action was willful and malicious or reckless.

  • The emotional distress you endured due to bad faith from the insurance company. 


If you need compensation from a bad faith lawsuit, contact the firm at Florida Property Damage Attorneys today.  

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Hire An Insurance Claims Attorney After You File Your Claim
If you've already filed a homeowners insurance claim in Florida and you're contemplating hiring an insurance claim attorney, better late than never is the proper adage to apply. If you feel your claim was either denied unfairly, paid less than it should have, or is hung up in the process, a Florida insurance claim attorney can advocate on your behalf with your insurance provider.
Florida Property Damage Attorneys has over 25-years experience as Insurance Claims Attorneys in Florida. We have assisted countless Florida homeowners in processing, and sometimes litigating, their insurance claims. We will review your homeowners insurance claim for free to determine the best next steps for your case. Call us today to schedule your no-cost, no-obligation consultation at 850-577-1699.
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Florida Property
Damage Attorneys

Contact Max Today

Florida is constantly facing extreme weather conditions which bring about hurricanes, flooding, fires and more.  If your home has recently been damaged due to any of the above, and you need help navigating your insurance claim process with the help of an attorney, we can help.


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